An Overview of the Job of Video Games Tester

Hello to you, young video game enthusiasts! Do you dream of turning your favorite hobby into a profession and exploring virtual worlds while earning a living? Today, I'm taking you to discover an exciting profession, still little-known to the general public: that of a video game tester. A profession which, far from preconceived ideas, does not consist only of playing for fun. It is a truly professional career, demanding and full of challenges. So, fasten your seat belts, let's take a trip to the heart of the video game industry!

Representation of a classroom where students learn how to test video games

Becoming a Video Game Tester: What Skills?

Before embarking on this adventure, let's take a moment to understand what being a video game tester really entails. Don't panic, you don't need to be a Fortnite world champion or a Pokémon master to take up this profession.

The job of video game tester requires above all, excellent knowledge of the video game sector, insatiable curiosity, attention to detail and a good dose of patience. You will have to spend long hours testing every aspect of the game, tracking down bugs, checking playability, ergonomics, story coherence... All while writing reports detailed information for development teams.

You must also be comfortable with IT and have good writing skills. And of course, a passion for games is a major asset!

How to Train as a Video Game Tester?

Well, it Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as a “pro video game tester baccalaureate”. However, it is possible to access this profession through training in computer science, game design or even software quality.

Several schools > and universities in Ireland offer specific training related to the video game industry. You can, for example, move towards a DUT in computer science, a bachelor's degree in game design, or even a professional video game license.

It is also possible to obtain a position as a video game tester thanks to your experience personal gamer. If you are an avid gamer and have good knowledge of the industry, this can work in your favor.

The Salary of a Video Game Tester: How much do you earn?

Now let's move on to the annoying (or dream-provoking) question: how much does a video game tester earn? A tester's salary depends on several factors, including their experience, education, employer, and the complexity of the project they are working on.

On average, a tester of video games beginner earns between 1,300 and 1,500 euros net per month. With experience, the salary can rise to 2,500 euros net per month, or even more for the most experienced profiles.

We must not forget that the video game sector is booming, with growing demand for ever more sophisticated and immersive games. This means that career opportunities and salaries may increase in the coming years.

The Daily Life of a Video Game Tester: What's it like?

Imagine playing your favorite game all day, in your pajamas, on your couch... Eh well, sorry to shatter your dreams, but the daily life of a video game tester is far from this idyllic image!

The reality is that the tester spends his days (and sometimes his nights) in front of his screen testing games in development, spotting bugs and evaluating playability. He must then write detailed reports, with suggestions for improvements for the developers.

You must therefore be prepared to spend a lot of time alone, repeating the same actions over and over again, and doing evidence of great concentration. But in return, you will have the privilege of discovering in advance the future hits of the video game industry. And that is priceless!

Ultimately, being a video game tester is above all a story of passion. If you love video games and are ready to put your patience and attention to detail into improving these little digital gems, then this job is for you. So, ready to take the plunge?

The Different Jobs in the Video Game Sector: Diversified Perspectives

In the video game industry, the position of tester is not a gateway to a multitude of IT professions and exciting career prospects. Whether you are a professional gamer or a seasoned amateur, whether you have a background in IT or the arts, there is bound to be a profession that matches your skills and aspirations.

For example, you can become a project manager and coordinate the development of a game, from its conception to its marketing. This position requires skills in project management, communication and a good knowledge of the video game industry.

If you are more comfortable with the technical side, you can move towards the professions of developer, programmer or computer engineer. These professions require a solid background in computer science, as well as problem-solving and logic skills.

Finally, if you have artistic talent, you can become a concept artistand create the characters, settings and worlds of your favorite games. It is a profession that requires imagination, drawing and design skills, and a good knowledge of current trends in the world of video games.

In short, the game professions videoare as diverse as they are exciting. And if you start as a tester, you can later progress to other positions, depending on your skills and desires.

Presentation of a concentrated person in a professional gaming environment

Playing to Make Money: Myth or Reality?

The idea of earning money playing video games may seem too good to be true. However, it is a very concrete reality in the video game industry. Whether as a video game tester, a professional gamer or a streamer, there are many ways to monetize your passion for video games.

However, it is Important to keep in mind that these professions are not as easy as they may seem. Indeed, they require a lot of work, dedication and perseverance. As in any profession, you have to prove yourself, gain experience and appear professional.

So, playing for money, myth or reality? The answer is... both! It's a reality for those who are ready to invest fully in their passion. But it's a myth for those who think it's an easy way to make a living. Ultimately, if you are willing to work hard, continually learn, and embrace challenges, you can turn your passion for video games into a profitable profession.


The job of video game tester is a real profession that requires skill and dedication. If you love video games and are willing to work hard, this career could be an exciting and rewarding path for you.

In addition, the video game industry offers a wide variety of careers that could match your skills and aspirations. Whether you're a professional gamer, artist, IT technician or project manager, there are plenty of opportunities to be had in this booming industry.

The chance to earn money by Playing video games is not a myth, but it requires a lot of work and perseverance. It's a reality for those who are ready to invest fully in their passion.

So, ready to transform your passion into a profession? At your controls!

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